As experts in decarbonization, we help our clients achieve their goals of reducing their carbon footprint, complying with complex governmental energy regulations, promoting beneficial energy codes and standards, and becoming responsible stewards of energy efficiency.


We help shape regulatory policy and shorten the path to carbon neutrality for our utility clients and their customers. We aim to increase your portfolio cost-effectiveness, satisfy state regulatory goals, minimize regulatory pressure, and improve the impact of your energy savings programs.

Our goal is to help you:

  • Advocate for local, state and federal level appliance standards, test methods, and building code enhancements
  • Build expert teams to conduct research and planning in support of codes and standards advocacy efforts and electrification of transportation
  • Plan and develop city and county reach codes, including existing building performance standards
  • Provide portfolio advisory services and planning and facilitation of large, complex stakeholder coordination initiatives
  • Support unique and/or complex initiatives related to energy efficiency, building decarbonization, demand flexibility and grid optimization, to name just a few
High voltage lines

Public Sector

Our government clients come to us for help navigating the complexities of carbon neutral energy policy implementation, for our expert insight and direction on their policy making efforts, to establish effective decarbonization and energy savings rules, and to guide their carbon neutrality program implementation.

Our goal is to help you: 

  • Advocate for state and federal level appliance standards, test methods, and building code enhancements
  • Plan and develop city and county reach codes including existing building performance standards
  • Develop strategic plans for decarbonization and electrification of transportation initiatives
  • Build expert teams to plan and implement field and laboratory research related to equipment energy efficiency and demand response
  • Provide portfolio advisory services and planning and facilitation of large, complex stakeholder coordination initiatives
People sitting around a large board room table with laptops


We aim to help our private sector clients reduce their carbon footprint, comply with complex governmental energy regulations, support beneficial energy codes and standards, and become responsible stewards of energy efficiency.

Our goal is to help you:

  • Assess risks and opportunities for businesses from new national, state and local building codes and appliance standards
  • Build expert teams to plan and implement field and laboratory research related to equipment energy efficiency and demand response
  • Plan and develop in-house decarbonization strategies


2050 Partners helps non-profit organizations optimize investments to advance their missions.

Our goal is to help you:

  • Conduct research and planning in support of building and transportation decarbonization initiatives
  • Build expert teams to plan and implement field and laboratory research related to equipment energy efficiency and demand response
  • Provide decarbonization program advisory services and planning and facilitation of large, complex stakeholder coordination initiatives
  • Advocate for local, state and federal level appliance standards and building code enhancements and other decarbonization regulations
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