2050 Partners is a majority woman-owned California Benefit Corporation composed of highly informed and trusted climate and energy consultants who are helping utility, public, private, and non-profit/NGO clients achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

We are decarbonization change drivers, navigators, and advocators aimed at helping organizations meet specific regional, state and national energy and greenhouse energy and climate goals.

With passion for reducing global carbon impacts, our consultants strive to have our clients:

  • Shorten their path to carbon neutrality
  • Achieve their ambitious electrification and decarbonization goals
  • Increase return-on-investment
  • Improve regulatory compliance and performance
  • Enhance their relationships with regulators
  • Navigate energy policy complexity
  • Promote energy codes and standards at the regulatory level

Project Examples

CalBEM: California Building Energy Modeling

2050 Partners works closely with many individuals across the building energy modeling discipline to facilitate a robust California stakeholder initiative, engaging experts across building energy modeling, design, and code compliance.

  • Plan and facilitate annual symposium.
  • Support and facilitate three technical working groups.
CalBEM: California Building Energy Modeling

Minnesota Codes and Standards Roadmap

Developed a Minnesota Codes and Standards roadmap report and material for the Minnesota Department of Commerce.

  • Convened utility, agency, expert stakeholder advisory group.
  • Researched policy context and presented roadmap options.
  • Recommended pathways for Minnesota utilities to participate in and claim savings from codes and standards activities.
Minnesota Codes and Standards Roadmap

California Energy Efficiency Coordinating Committee

2050 Partners served as the first facilitator of the California Energy Efficiency Coordinating Committee (CAEECC) created under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

  • Planned and facilitated 30+ public strategic planning discussions for the new 10-year “rolling cycle” for the California energy efficiency portfolio.
  • Collated and tracked the resolution of thousands of individual public comments on the program administrator’s 10-year business plans, filed in 2017.  
  • Implemented stakeholder engagement, informal negotiations, meeting documentation, and development of supporting documents.
California Energy Efficiency Coordinating Committee

HVAC Technology Research

Since 2017, 2050 Partners has served as the project manager overseeing field research to better understand advanced HVAC technology performance in nonresidential buildings for our client, a large provider of electric and natural gas service in California.

  • Managed field research for our client’s program for assessing potential future building codes and standards.
  • Worked alongside subcontractors to install monitoring equipment at eight sites.
  • Analyzed data collected over 18 months and aggregated into a total of nine reports consisting of five case studies, two targeted analysis reports, one field assessment, and one final report.
HVAC Technology Research

Hawaii Energy Efficiency Manager

2050 Partners helps to manage the Hawaii statewide energy efficiency portfolio implementation and evaluation consultants.

  • Provide day-to-day consultant contract oversight.
  • Contribute portfolio and program design guidance to address changing industry and market trends. 
  • Conduct research and analysis regarding the performance of Hawaii Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (EEPS) program.
Hawaii Energy Efficiency Manager

Electric Vehicle Codes and Standards

2050 Partners works with utilities to support California building codes and national model codes. From California’s state codes, to national model codes, we are well-versed in all things EV codes.

Electric Vehicle Codes and Standards
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